nur_amonit How do I publish my article?

in 3 simple steps to publish –

  1. Go (on the right) on your My Account menu on:
    Can open new auction
  2. Enter a title bid
  3. Select the canton of the site (where you live)
  4. Select the category of your order (z.B. Musical Instruments, Unterkategorie – Blasinstrumente)
  5. Start Preis (leave blank – starts autom. with 1– an)
  6. Minimum Price (Leave blank od. define). This price must be achieved at least, otherwise it is not sold!
  7. Buy it now (Enter price) = Possibility, offer in addition to normal GGF. with additional Buy only (On checkboxes), then there's only immediate purchase opportunity!
  8. Allow deals?and (On checkboxes) if so, should a prospective buyer will announce his desired price. Otherwise, without the desired price option.
  9. Quantity (appears only if Buy only) if you offer e.g. the. 20want to sell x, enter there 20 a.
  10. This offer has no shipping costs – and (On checkboxes) ansonsten flatrate etc.. Select Variable.
  11. Auction ends on: (Calendar pop-up appears – Please date and if necessary. Select time – press Done)
  12. Hide Commandments: No (Standard), at yes you would only see, that one has bids, but not who is bidding.
  13. Street address: (Articles address, Road, PLZ, Place,) appears in Item details, also possible: only PLZ, Place (then all you see: the article is in this place)
  14. Description Offer Details (You can describe your offer, Enter the details regarding how state, GGF. Warranty, Availability, Pick one etc !),
  15. See also in the header: and (Häckchen set) if set, is her items shown in the Header Slider (Randomly)
  16. Tags: (Leave blank od. Insert Keyword, is listed on page)


Next Step – Pictures

Where you can upload (3 sind Free, any other costs 1.-) Upload, if you want to.
Pictures say more than 1000 Words and the customers respond much better to offers with pictures

Download the images from your computer, they are conn. displayed directly. Wenn alles o.k. is, go further.

You can now get a full preview of your publication and have the opportunity
either go back to still make changes, or select the button “Completing and your request
to publish”.

That's it.. Your offer has been put on auction and published.

From now on you can log in at any time and look under My Account at the seller's Menu, whether you already
Have received inquiries or orders. You will be automatically informed via e-mail, when requests od.
Orders placed. You can also edit or delete your own Auctions.


Good business and good luck!